The Most Concentrated
Coffee in the World
Introducing an entirely new way to extract the maximum flavor out of every bean. The result is an incredibly concentrated form of coffee unlike anything else.
Ultra Coffee is brewed to exacting standards using a progressive enrichment process. It's a closed system where nothing is added, and nothing is taken away in order to achieve this unparalleled level of concentration.
Every batch is obsessively fine-tuned from start to finish, ensuring each spoonful is the perfect balance of mouthwatering taste and
outrageous smoothness. This is coffee at its highest potential.
One Jot goes a long way
By maximizing the yield from every bean (without ever over-extracting), and being mindful of our impact at every step, we minimize our use of resources.
more yield per bean (versus cold brew)
spent grounds composted
compromise on quality
So powerful.
So pure.
So perfectly ultra.

Start small, start slow. Things can only go up from here.
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