A Magazine Powered by Jot

Easy by Design
Easy by Design: Peloton
In our Easy by Design series we explore innovative, well-designed products, services, and experiences. This week: Peloton.
Read Time: 4 minutes

Ultra Coffee 101
What is coffee concentrate?
How you make your coffee is about to change forever. Liquid coffee concentrate lets you have your coffee order your way, at home, in seconds.
Read Time: 6 minutes

Inspiration Fuel
Inspiration Fuel: Jeff Hulett
“Pretty rare, but pretty special” – Songwriter Jeff Hulett reflects on artistic collaboration, the inspiration that dwells in fatherhood, and what keeps his creativity flowing.
Read Time: 7 minutes

How to Jot
The essential recipes for making barista-level drinks at home, in an instant, with Ultra Coffee concentrate.
As seen